Sunday, January 16, 2011

What's true? What's not?

I'm not feeling terribly clever tonight, but I'm willing to take the risk of being boring to get some words "on paper."

It's getting harder and harder to know what's true -- what's real.

  • Photos can be 'photo-shopped' -- people added or deleted; facial expressions changed, unwanted objects removed; cars, buildings, even mountains added to a landscape.
  • People can be altered -- makeup, hair color, plastic surgery.
  • Faux is popular -- leather, wall treatments, fur.
  • Music can be digitally re-mastered, lip synched, over-dubbed, distorted on purpose
  • Someone can look wealthy, but in reality be heavily in debt on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • News can be spun, slanted and combined with more opinion than facts.
  • Political dialog can combine half-truths into non-truths.

Now if you think I'm opposed to PhotoShop, faux finishes, hair color and opinions in media, you're missing my point.

I'm just asking the question:   How do I know what's true?

I think I'm a reasonably intelligent person.  Given a set of facts, I can draw my own conclusions.  However, I know I am susceptible to being swayed by other's opinions.  During election seasons and during weeks like the past week, when there is as much if not more opinion as facts flying around, I long for a list of facts---just facts---so I can form my own opinion.

This week, at work, I'm interviewing prospective employees -- a task I don't particularly enjoy.   This person is putting up her best front, under pressure to make a good impression, maybe desperate enough to adjust the truth?   How do I know what's true?

I don't know that I have the answer.....but I do know what I can do to try to get to the truth.

  1. Do the work, the research, the fact-finding for myself.
  2. Look past the surface.  Probe a little deeper.
  3. Be aware that what I see/hear might not be true without being suspicious or paranoid.
  4. Avoid judging or jumping to conclusions too quickly.
  5. Don't fall into the trap of comparing myself, my life or my possessions to pictures, people or movies that are most likely NOT real!
  6. Ask God for discernment.  

So tomorrow, I will interview three more potential assistants.  Then I will need to choose who I am going to hire.  This person will work closely with me five days a week hopefully for years to come!  She will have the power to make my life miserable.  She will either be an asset or liability to the school.   Lord help me!  Show me what's true--what's real--what's important.

That's all for tonight....

.....just passing through....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck..I always hated interviewing. I pray the perfect person gives the perfect interview and your decision comes easy!
