Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home to Africa

Well, it's official.  I'm going to Africa over spring break!!   I'm so excited.  This has been a dream of mine for 15 years---a major item on my bucket list!!

In case you don't know, I grew up in Liberia, West Africa as a Missionary Kid (MK).  We lived on a compound with about 50 other expatriate families from all over the world.  Our main purpose was radio station ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa).   My dad had his own radio program "Talk with the Pastor" along with many other technical and administrative duties over the years.   We also had a hospital/clinic/medical ministry.  The ELWA compound was located right on the Atlantic ocean---the beach was my playground.  My family lived at ELWA 8 out of 12 years between 1962-1974.  (We also spent one year in Jos, Nigeria.)  The other missionaries at ELWA became my extended family:  Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who are still dear to me.

In the 80's and 90's Liberia experienced massive civil war.  The country was decimated politically, economically, socially and physically.  ELWA was home to thousands of refugees in the early years of the war.  ELWA missionaries had to leave with what they could carry.  The compound was bombed, trees cut down for fuel, homes looted, the radio voice used for political purposes and finally silenced.  It's been a long road, but Liberia and ELWA are coming back.  There is great hope for the country and community of my childhood!!   Liberia's new president is making great strides in rebuilding the country.  Utilities are being restored.  People who love Liberia are moving back and helping make positive change in this weary country.  Radio station ELWA is back on the air and ELWA hospital is offering limited services. 

I will be going to ELWA with 9 'cousins' and and an 'Aunt & Uncle'--- 12 of us going to participate in the ALL Liberia Festival with Franklin Graham & the BGEA March 25-27, 2011.  I have not been assigned a task yet---I'm willing to do anything and very excited to serve!!

I know ELWA is not the same place I left 36 years ago.  The house I lived in was one of the first destroyed by bombs.  The beautiful palm trees that lined the beach are gone.  Much has changed.  But I'm hopeful to see and touch some memories of my childhood.  The tennis court my dad helped put in behind my house.  The road we raced our bikes on.  The school I went to.  The hospital where my sister was born.  The grave sites of Aunt Betty and Uncle Elsworth.  And, of course, the beach and the lagoon.

My husband's nephew and family live near ELWA.  I'm so excited to see them see first-hand the ministry they have to the Liberian people.  Their ministry is Spirit Liberia.

My Itenerary:
     Friday morning, March 18 -- leave Colorado Springs
     Saturday noon, March 19 -- arrive in Monrovia, Liberia
     Festival:  Friday-Sunday  March 25-27
     Sunday noon, March 27 -- leave Monrovia, Liberia
           Lay-over in Accra to visit with another 'cousin'
     Monday afternoon, March 28 -- arrive in Colorado Springs

I have a lot to do to get ready---it's a little overwhelming as I have not traveled internationally for 36 years and never as an adult.  

I will not be asking for financial help for my travel expenses.  I will, however, make known specific projects that need funding.  I hope to go bearing financial gifts that will meet specific needs of ELWA, Spirit Liberia and the Festival.  Stay tuned.   

I turn 50 just before my trip.....if you have any inclination to help me celebrate, I challenge you to think of something 50-ish to contribute to Liberia!!   50 minutes of prayer, 50 scripture promises, 1 minute of spiritual warfare for 50 days, 50 cents, 50 dollars.  You pray.  You think about it.  And do what you feel led to do!!

One more thing before I close.....I work at a charter high school of about 500 students:  Colorado Springs Early Colleges.  In the four years we have existed, 4 students from Liberia have attended CSEC.  I had the privilege of seeing a presentation done by one of our current Liberian students last fall.  "S" shared about growing up in Liberia during the civil war.  He showed pictures of places that I remember----buildings that are now riddled with bullets, run down---crumbling.  "S" experienced horrible things during the war---there was silence in the classroom as he shared as the students tried to wrap their brains around his story.   As I said before, there is great HOPE for Liberia.  I can't wait to bring hopeful pictures back to "S" of his birth country.  I want "S" to know the Liberia I knew---what it can be again!

I'm just realizing that of the hundreds--maybe thousands---of missionary or mission trip letters I've read over the years....this is the first one I've ever written!!

.....just passing through....

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo excited for you. This is also an item on my bucket list. I can't wait to hear all about it. Love you..B
