Sunday, April 3, 2011

Debriefing.....Part 1

Well, I've been home for six full days:  unpacked, two days of jet lag, went back to work, did some laundry and cleaning, and welcomed my second granddaughter, Brenna Lynn, into the world. After resigning myself to probably missing Brenna's birth, I ended up getting to see her less than an hour after her birth.  She is precious, beautiful -- a genuine gift to this family.

I'm working on getting my pictures labeled---it's a slow process.

So how do I begin to tell about my trip?  I guess I'll just start at the beginning...

I left Colorado Springs at 6:30am, flew to Atlanta, then to JFK (New York).  I missed my flight at JFK but with Delta's help, was able to book another flight at no cost.  So I took a detour through Amsterdam and ended up spending the night in Accra at Lee and Michelle Sonius' home.   Thanks, Lee, for transporting me to and from the airport and thanks, Michelle, for your hospitality and homemade granola for breakfast!

Although Delta had promised that my luggage was checked all the way through to Liberia, I decided to check again in Accra, just in case....   Sure enough, there were my suitcases, sitting all by themselves in the baggage claim area.  I checked them in and paid for the 8kg overage---not bad.

As we landed at Robertsfield Airport in Liberia, I found myself a little emotional...  I was realizing a dream---something I've wanted to do for 15 years!!  

I had just stepped up to immigration when an airport official walked up to me and asked me if I was Robin.  He then escorted me through the rest of the process in the airport and outside to where Dan Snyder and Steve and Carol Kejr were waiting for me.  (Dan had arranged for my special escort.)  

I feel like my eyes were popping out of my head as we drove away from the airport.  So much to see.  Some familiar scenery---some very unfamiliar.   We drove around the ELWA compound slowly while Dan, Steve and Carol told me about each house.  Most of ELWA was immediately familiar to me.  I had to laugh, though, that so much was smaller than I remembered.   Either ELWA shrunk, or I got older.  

After having a lunch of palm butter (Liberian food) and rice and getting settled in my room at Kejr's house, Dan and I went swimming -- ELWA beach!!  My childhood playground; one of the most beautiful beaches in the world!  We connected with Walter Bliss and Alan Shea and Steve _____ (Alan's friend from his church) as we swam.  It was great to talk to Walter and compare our experiences.  Steve and I let Alan and Dan swim out to the reef.  As I drifted in the ocean, I kept looking up toward the familiar row of houses that line the beach road thinking "I'm at ELWA!  I'm really, truly, actually here at ELWA swimming in the ocean!!"

After my swim, I enjoyed a wonderful long talk with Carol on her front porch.  After a little supper, I lost my battle with my body clock and headed to bed to sleep to the sound of the ocean.

Wow...I only got through Day 1 at ELWA.  I guess there's going to be a part 2, 3 and maybe 4.  

As for now, I must get to bed.  My body clock is still a little off and I get the sleepies about 8:30 every evening.
More soon...

Just passing through....


  1. Robin, If it takes 2,3, or maybe 4 posts it's o.k. with me I love hearing about your dream coming true. : )

  2. Can't wait to hear the rest...

  3. I'm living your experience through you. Feel free to take as many posts as you want. I'm loving it.
    Congrats, grandma, on a beautiful little Brenna. I got to hold her yesterday. Talk about small.

  4. LOVE IT!!! I hope we can do it together some day!!!
