Friday, March 18, 2011

On my way.....

Well, here I am in JFK Airport in New York.  My flight to Accra leaves in about an hour.  

My connection in Atlanta was closer than I thought it would be.  For those of you familiar, I came in at Gate E6 and had about 20 minutes to get to Gate T2.  Good exercise.

The last few days have been interesting and exhausting.  I'm so glad to be on my way---I don't think I could have taken much more "getting ready."   

I woke this morning well before my 3:30am alarm with that blessed desperation for God---His Presence, His Provision, His Protection, His Power, His Way, His Timing, His EVERYTHING.  I don't want to be anything apart from Him and don't want to do anything without Him.  I have never been more grateful for those of you who have committed to pray for me.  Please, PLEASE pray for me an my team and the Life Festival.  It matters!

I'll try to post when I can and look forward to sharing my pictures and experiences when I get back.

Just passing through.....

P.S.   No pictures this time....I didn't think you would be interested in Gate 5 of JFK International Airport.

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